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Card index of role-playing games for preschoolers Natalya Yartseva Card index of role-playing games for preschoolers Game development
Card file of experiences and experiments for children of senior preschool age CARD FILE OF EXPERIMENTS AND EXPERIMENTS FOR
Summer walk in the preparatory group Summary of a summer walk for preschool children 6-7 years old
“Classes on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in the senior group, according to the Federal State Educational Standard” September Lesson 1
Conversation on the topic: “My family” Conversation by the class teacher on the topic: “My family.” Class teacher 6-"B"
Psychological training with teachers “Together a friendly family” Author: Kheigetyan Alina Danielovna Psychological training with
CHILDHOOD-GUIDE One of the areas of cognitive development of preschool children is the formation in them of natural scientific ideas about
Methodological recommendations “Organization of experimental activities of preschool children” Selection, preparation of manuals and equipment with
card index of walks preparatory group. Preparatory group (October) Card No. 23 1. Observation of the sun. Goals: