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Competitive program on life safety for primary school students, grades 2-3 Competitive program for juniors
Smart cookies: 8 methods of teaching English to children aged 2-3 years The sooner you start
Abstract of OD on design in the senior group. Circus animals Summary of educational activities on design
Program content: - to cultivate in children a love for Russian applied art, to expand and enrich
Junior group. Early childhood, nursery. Children 1-4 years old Summary of a lesson on reading fiction
Project “Birds of our region” Project “Migratory birds of our region” Introduction. -We all know
autumn, bread, bear, fruit, mushrooms “Bread is the head of everything” - everyone knows this saying
Pedagogical project: “Everything about shoes” Middle group Pedagogical project: “Everything about shoes” in middle group
MAGAZINE Doshkolnik.RF “Development of fine motor skills in preschool children through didactic games” “The origins of abilities
Notes for classes in fine arts for preschoolers Notes for children aged 6-7 years on the topic